Clinicare Africa

Poverty stricken living conditions often go hand in hand with a lack of affordable and available medical attention. As a result, preventable illnesses such as diarrhoea (through poor water sources/sanitation) and infections (through superficial cuts and burns), can lead to devastating outcomes including hospitalisation and death.

Believing that all people, regardless of status and circumstance, deserve to unconditionally live healthy and full lives, House of Hope Africa established Clinicare Africa – a medical arm committed to working with medical organisations (both locally and internationally) and the community to help prevent and assist the most vulnerable of children and families attain the medical attention that they may require.

Through the provision of emergency transport, advocacy, financial assistance and education in the facilitation of safe water handling and sanitation, the Clinicare Africa initiative cares practically for the community which has facilitated a vast improvement in health and lifestyle.